Financial Outlook Upcoming Topics

Below is a list of upcoming and past topics for Financial Outlook. If you would like to see the full issue, simply email us at Please take a moment to review all of the personalization options available with Financial Outlook. Each issue of Financial Outlook has been reviewed by FINRA, but your compliance department may also require review of the newsletter before sending to your clients and prospects.

December 2024:

  • Need to Catch Up on Retirement Savings?
  • Reevaluate Your Portfolio
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt?
  • Is Out-of-State Tuition Worth It?
  • Borrow Wisely (substitute feature article)

November 2024:

  • Review Your Portfolio’s Performance
  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Financial Advice for Your Children
  • Small Things for a Big Savings Impact
  • Vesting and What It Means (substitute feature article)

October 2024:

  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Organizing Your Estate
  • Dealing with Bond Price Fluctuations
  • Signals to Buy and Sell Stocks
  • Your Bond Allocation (substitute feature article)

September 2024:

  • Estate Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • 4 Reasons to Invest in Bonds
  • Avoid These Withdrawal Mistakes
  • Bong Investing Tips
  • Bonds and Interest Rate Changes (substitute feature article)

August 2024:

  • Paying Off Debt Isn’t Saving
  • Estate Planning for Blended Families
  • Should You Serve as Guardian?
  • Teach Children to Handle Credit Cards
  • Handling the Financial Aspects of Death (substitute feature article)

July 2024:

  • Stocks Are Risky: Why Invest?
  • The Basics of Stock Market Indexes
  • Reasons to Revise Your Estate Plan
  • Ways to Get Out of Debt
  • How Employer 401(k) Matching Works (substitute feature article)

June 2024:

  • Is It Time to Rethink College?
  • Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order
  • Financial Planning for College Students
  • Leaning Income Tax Basics
  • Tax Planning Tips (substitute feature article)

May 2024:

  • Calculating Your Financial Ratios
  • Understanding Stock Market Risk
  • Which Goal Is More Important?
  • Avoid 401(k) and IRA Mistakes
  • Factors Influencing Your Asset Allocation (substitute feature article)

April 2024:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Overcoming Your Fear of Investing
  • Why Teach Your Child about Investing?
  • How to Avoid Credit Card Dependence (substitute feature article)

March 2024:

  • Your 401(k) Plan When Changing Jobs
  • How to Talk Finances with Your Parents
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving
  • Give Yourself a Money Makeover
  • Market Timing vs. Buy and Hold (substitute feature article)

February 2024:

  • Estate Planning Considerations for Your Children
  • 4 Steps to Increase Financial Confidence
  • Assess Your 401(k) Plan
  • Keep Saving after Retirement
  • What to Do If Your Budget Isn’t Working (substitute feature article)

January 2024:

  • What’s Better: Saving or Paying Down Debt?
  • Managing Investment Risk
  • Avoid Cosigning a Loan
  • Avoid This Mistake
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

December 2023:

  • Financial Planning for Every Stage of Life
  • Use Conservative Assumptions
  • A Strategy for College Costs
  • 5 Estate-Planning Tips for Dependents
  • Choosing Beneficiaries for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

November 2023:

  • Managing Bond Risks
  • 7 Ways to Pay Less for College
  • Avoid These Estate Planning Mistakes
  • Benefits of Low-Correlated Assets
  • The Need for an IRA (substitute feature article)

October 2023:

  • Enjoy Life and Save for Retirement
  • Myths about Bonds
  • Nurture Your IRA
  • Asset Allocation Tips
  • Consider Maturity Dates (substitute feature article)

September 2023:

  • Coming to Terms with Stocks
  • Saving and Life Planning
  • Encourage Estate Planning
  • 4 Reasons for Goal-Focused Investing
  • Pay Yourself First (substitute feature article)

August 2023:

  • Taxes and Your Investments
  • Rules for Retirement Investing
  • When Should You Sell Stocks?
  • Planning Year Round (substitute feature article)

July 2023:

  • Dow Theory: Curbing Emotional Investing
  • Financial Planning for Married Couples
  • When Adult Children Return Home
  • Lessons Learned from the Stock Market
  • Will Your Child Finish College in Four Years? (substitute feature article)

June 2023:

  • Estate Planning for Complicated Family Situations
  • To Sell or Not to Sell?
  • Principles of Stock Diversification
  • Giving Back
  • Distributing Personal Possessions (substitute feature article)

May 2023:

  • Get These Decisions Right
  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Risk Tolerance and Retirement
  • Watching Your Stocks (substitute feature article)

April 2023:

  • The Practical Implications of Investment Theory
  • 7 Psychological Traps
  • 6 Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • Emotional Issues That Prevent Estate Planning
  • Financial Management for College Students (substitute feature article)

March 2023:

  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • Finding a Balance with Risk and Return
  • Tips for the Sandwich Generation
  • Do You Really Need 70%?
  • Credit Issues as You Age (substitute feature article)

February 2023:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Reevaluate Your Portfolio
  • How to Get a Handle on Spending
  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan
  • Don’t. Underestimate Inflation in Retirement (substitute feature article)

January 2023:

  • Bonds for Every Stage of Life
  • Challenges to Retirement
  • How Inflation Affects Bonds
  • Allocating Your Bond Investments (substitute feature article)

December 2022:

  • Reducing Debt — Where to Start
  • 10 Common Investor Mistakes
  • Debt and Your Retirement
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully
  • Can You Really Save 50% of Your Income? (substitute feature article)

November 2022:

  • What Should Your Financial Plan Include?
  • To Buy or Not to Buy?
  • Dealing with Stocks with Losses
  • Fun Ways to Save for the Entire Family (substitute feature article)

October 2022:

  • 10 Ways to Boost Savings
  • Should You Retire Early?
  • An Investment Plan for College
  • 4 Reasons for Your Child to Work Part Time
  • Get Your 401(k) Plan on Track (substitute feature article)

September 2022:

  • Evaluating Stock Investments
  • 5 facts about Estate Planning
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving
  • Your Parents’ Estate Planning
  • Sharing an Inheritance (substitute feature article)

August 2022:

  • 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid
  • Watch Out for Estimating Mistakes
  • How to Raise Financially Responsible Children
  • You 401(k) Contribution Amount (substitute feature article)

July 2022:

  • How to Catch Up on Retirement Savings
  • 6 Questions to Ask before Investing
  • The Fundamental Investing Principle
  • Tax-Efficient Investment Strategies
  • Tax Planning Tips to Make Life Easier (substitute feature article)

June 2022:

  • 6 Myths about Stock Investing
  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan
  • Protect Your Family’s Security
  • How You Can Use P/E Ratios
  • How Much of Your Portfolio Should Be Invested in Stocks? (substitute feature article)

May 2022:

  • Investing Before and During Retirement
  • Should You Consider Incentive Trusts?
  • Should You Stay or Should You Go?
  • Don’t Forget Digital Assets (substitute feature article)

April 2022:

  • 5 Steps to Create an Investment Plan
  • Reassess Your Retirement Plans
  • Asset Correlation
  • A Budget for Your College Student
  • Staggered Retirements (substitute feature article)

March 2022:

  • How to Save More: Step by Step
  • Watch OUt for Portfolio Mistakes
  • Basics of Asset Allocation
  • Don’t Make These Selling Mistakes
  • Good Investing Habits (substitute feature article)

February 2022:

  • Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order
  • The Psychology of Saving
  • Why Budgets Are Important
  • 4 Reasons to Invest in Bonds
  • Straighten Out Your Financial Accounts (substitute feature article)

January 2022:

  • 8 Questions Your Financial Plan Should Answer
  • When Can You Retire?
  • Decisions Regarding College Funding
  • Advice on Saving for Children
  • Is Out-of-State Tuition Worth It? (substitute feature article)

December 2021:

  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Signals to Buy and Sell Stocks
  • How to Be Financially Responsible
  • Are All Triple-A Bonds Alike?
  • Bonds and Interest Rate Changes (substitute feature article)

November 2021:

  • Stock Investing Mistakes to Avoid
  • Overcoming the Fear of Investing
  • Stock Market Ups and Downs
  • Enjoy Life and Still Save
  • Half Still Equals the Whole (substitute feature article)

October 2021:

  • Saving Strategies Based on Personal Goals
  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Your Bond Allocation
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving
  • Time: Friend or Foe? (substitute feature article)

September 2021:

  • Bonds: Not Just for Retirement
  • Retirement Withdrawal Rates
  • What Kind of Retirement Do You Want?
  • Building an Investment Plan
  • Consider a Bond Tent (substitute feature article)

August 2021:

  • Tax Planning and Retirement
  • How to Set Savings Goals
  • Reasons to Review Your Estate Plan
  • Calculating Your Investment Basis (substitute feature article)

July 2021:

  • Pension Plans vs. 401(k) Plans
  • A Portfolio Tune Up
  • How to Avoid Credit Card Dependence
  • Is Your 401(k) Plan Enough?
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt? (substitute feature article)

June 2021:

  • Retirement Planning Decade by Decade
  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Don’t Touch Your 401(k) Plan
  • Guarding Your Financial Information
  • Distributing Personal Possessions (substitute feature article)

May 2021:

  • Paying Off Debt Isn’t Saving
  • Money Personalities and Saving
  • 6 Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • Discussing Your Estate with Your Family
  • Essential Tips for Saving for Retirement (substitute feature article)

April 2021:

  • Your Financial Road Map
  • Leaving a Legacy
  • Tips to Teach Children to Save
  • Do You Really Need a Will?
  • Handling the Financial Aspects of a Death (substitute feature article)

March 2021:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Financial Harmony in Marriage
  • Harness the Power of Compounding
  • Do You Have a Rainy Day Fund? (substitute feature article)

February 2021:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Assessing Your Risk Tolerance
  • Overdivisification
  • Why Have an Asset Allocation Strategy?
  • Know When to Exit (substitute feature article)

January 2021:

  • Organizing Your Estate
  • Teaching Your Children about Investing
  • Stock Selection Tips
  • Principles of Stock Diversification
  • The Need for an IRA (substitute feature article)

December 2020:

  • Overcoming 5 Retirement Fears
  • New to Investing? Mistakes to Avoid
  • Financial Rules of Thumb
  • Essential Tips for Saving for Retirement
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

November 2020:

  • How Do You Know If You’re Saving Enough?
  • 10 Steps to Control Debt
  • When Adult Children Return Home
  • Use Conservative Assumptions
  • Keep Saving after Retirement (substitute feature article)

October 2020:

  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Taxes and Your Investments
  • Estate Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • Dealing with Stock Price Declines
  • Watching Your Stocks (substitute feature article)

September 2020:

  • Objectives Help Focus Investing
  • How to Talk Finances with Parents
  • Encourage Estate Planning
  • Cut Financial Clutter
  • A Dividend Investing Strategy (substitute feature article)

August 2020:

  • Estate Planning Considerations for Children
  • Finding a Balance between Risk and Return
  • Manage Your Nest Egg after Retirement
  • Should You Serve as a Guardian? (substitute feature article)

July 2020:

  • Avoid These Investor Mistakes
  • Basics of the SECURE Act
  • Consider Maturity Dates
  • When to Use Tax-Advantaged Accounts
  • Planning Year Round (substitute feature article)

June 2020:

  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • 4 Steps to Boost Financial Confidence
  • Your Risk Tolerance and Retirement
  • Sharing an Inheritance
  • Staggered Retirements (substitute feature article)

May 2020:

  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Your Retirement Portfolio and Bonds
  • Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation
  • The Basics of Asset Allocation
  • What to Do If Your Budget Isn’t Working (substitute feature article)

April 2020:

  • Answers to Important Financial Questions
  • 7 Psychological Traps
  • 4 Reasons for Goal-Focused Investing
  • Developing the Plan Is Not Enough
  • Market Timing vs. Buy and Hold (substitute feature article)

March 2020:

  • How Much Will College Really Cost?
  • Retirement Planning for Stay-at-Home Parents
  • Fun Ways for the Family to Save
  • Converting to a Roth IRA
  • Retirement Withdrawal Strategies (substitute feature article)

February 2020:

  • Making Money Last through Retirement
  • When Should You Consider a 401(k) Plan?
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving
  • Financial Management for College Students
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving (substitute feature article)

January 2020:

  • Avoid These Estate Planning Mistakes
  • When Should You Sell?
  • 4 Reasons to Invest in Bonds
  • A Portfolio Tune-Up
  • Teaching Your Children to Handle Credit Cards (substitute feature article)

December 2019:

  • An Introduction to Stock Analysis
  • The Psychology of Saving
  • Learning Lessons from the Stock Market
  • Can You Really Save 50% of Your Income? (substitute feature article)

Financial Outlook November 2019:

  • Ways to Save for Retirement
  • Managing Bond Risks
  • Avoid These 401(k) and IRA Mistakes
  • Principles of Stock Diversification
  • Your 401(k) Contribution Amount (substitute feature article)

Financial Outlook October 2019:

  • Dow Theory: Curbing Emotional Investing
  • Having the Talk
  • How to Get a Handle on Spending
  • How Much of Your Portfolio Should Be in Stock? (substitute feature article)

Financial Outlook September 2019:

  • Estate-Planning Checklist
  • Merging Finances When Marrying
  • Everyone’s Plan Is Different
  • Why Tax Planning Matters
  • Emotional Issues That Prevent Estate Planning (substitute feature article)

Financial Outlook August 2019:

  • Bond Investing Strategies
  • Assessing Your 401(k) Plan
  • Give Yourself a Money Makeover
  • Bond Investing Tips (substitute feature article)

Financial Outlook July 2019:

  • Tax Planning and Retirement
  • Review Your Portfolio’s Performance
  • Your Parents’ Estate Plans
  • Is Your 401(k) Plan Enough?
  • Calculating Your After-Tax Rate of Return (substitute feature article)

June 2019:

  • Calculating Your Financial Ratios
  • Don’t Underestimate Inflation in Retirement
  • Managing Correlations
  • 7 Steps to Make Saving a  Habit
  • Why Isn’t Inflation Zero Percent? (substitute feature article)

May 2019:

  • 5 Steps to Create an Investment Plan
  • Distributing Your Estate to Grown Children
  • Don’t Make These Selling Mistakes
  • 4 Steps to Create a Budget
  • What Happens to a Beneficiary’s Share If He/She Dies before You? (substitute feature article)

April 2019:

  • Get These Decisions Right
  • Keeping Expectations in Check
  • Preventing Identity Theft
  • Reviewing Legal Documents (substitute feature article)

March 2019:

  • How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?
  • Watch Out for Portfolio Mistakes
  • Should You Even Consider Early Retirement?
  • Asset Allocation and Diversification
  • Segregating Your Risk (substitute feature article)

February 2019:

  • To Buy or Not to Buy
  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Avoid This Mistake
  • Advice on Saving for Children
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully (substitute feature article)

January 2019:

  • Securing Your Financial Future
  • Nuturing Your IRA
  • Using P/E ratios
  • Are You Ready for Retirement?
  • Choosing Beneficiaries for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

December 2018:

  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan
  • 5 Rules for Buying Your First Home
  • Taking Required Minimum Distributions
  • How Much Do You Need in Retirement?
  • Growth vs. Value Investing (substitute feature article)

November 2018:

  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • 5 Stock Investing Mistakes to Avoid
  • Decisions Regarding College Funding
  • Understanding Stock Market Risk
  • Credit Issues as You Age (substitute feature article)

October 2018:

  • Squeezed by Competing Needs
  • Revisit Your Asset Allocation
  • Time — Friend or Foe?
  • Should You Defer Income Taxes?
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt? (substitute feature article)

September 2018:

  • Bonds at Every Stage of Life
  • How to Manage Your Nest Egg
  • Expenses Cutting into Savings?
  • Why Should You Consider Bonds? (substitute feature article)

August 2018:

  • Leaving a Legacy
  • Downside of Taxes Determining Strategy
  • Cut Financial Clutter
  • What Is Tax Loss Harvesting?
  • A Tax Planning Mentality (substitute feature article)

July 2018:

  • How to Save More: Step by Step
  • Myths about College Planning
  • How Much Can You Withdraw during Retirement?
  • When Adult Children Return Home (substitute feature article)

June 2018:

  • Your Financial Road Map
  • Easing into Retirement
  • 5 Estate-Planning Tips for Dependents
  • 7 Ways to Pay Less for College
  • A Budget for College Students (substitute feature article)

May 2018:

  • Reassess Your Retirement Plans
  • How and Why to Build a Bond Ladder
  • Should You Stay or Should You Go?
  • Retirement Planning for Stay-at-Home Parents
  • The Fundamental Investing Principle (substitute feature article)

April 2018:

  • Estate Planning for Complicated Family Situations
  • 4 Steps to Boost Financial Confidence
  • Distributing Personal Possessions
  • Encourage Your Child to Fund an IRA
  • Don’t Forget Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan (substitute feature article)

March 2018:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Raising a Financially Responsible Child
  • Don’t Touch Your 401(k) Funds
  • The ABCs of Risk Premiums
  • Straighten Out Your Financial Accounts (substitute feature article)

February 2018:

  • Which Is Better? Saving or Paying Down Debt?
  • Assessing Your Risk Tolerance
  • Your Emotions and Investing
  • Challenges to Your Retirement
  • Watching Your Stocks (substitute feature article)

January 2018:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Talking to Parents about Finances
  • Your Financial Plan and Life Events
  • Keeping Track of Retirement Funds
  • The Need for an IRA (substitute feature article)

December 2017:

  • What’s a Reasonable Rate of Return?
  • An Investment Plan for College
  • How to Avoid Credit Card Dependence
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving
  • Borrow Wisely (substitute feature article)

November 2017:

  • Looking for Signals to Buy and Sell?
  • Financial Education for Your Teen
  • Tactical Allocation and Market Timing
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving More
  • Pay Yourself First (substitute feature article)

October 2017:

  • Tips for Cutting Taxes in Retirement
  • Talking to Your Family about Your Estate Plan
  • Invest Defensively
  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan
  • Consider a Bond Tent (substitute feature article)

September 2017:

  • Diversifying Your Bond Portfolio
  • Keep Expectations in Check
  • Dealing with Stock Losses
  • Retirement Planning Advice for Students
  • Which Goal Is More Important? (substitute feature article)

August 2017:

  • Estate-Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • Rebalance Your Portfolio
  • Your 401(k) Plan Has Hidden Gems
  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Higher Exclusion Limits and Trusts (substitute feature article)

July 2017:

  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • Should You Stay or Should You Go?
  • 4 Reasons to Encourage Part-Time Jobs
  • Incorporating Bonds in Your Portfolio
  • Consider Maturity Dates (substitute feature article)

June 2017:

  • Consider These Investment Tax Strategies
  • Guarding Your Financial Information
  • Taking the Plunge: When Should You Retire?
  • A Tax Planning Perspective (substitute feature article)

May 2017:

  • A 3-Step Asset Allocation Plan
  • Financial Rules of Thumb
  • How to Save Without Pain
  • 10 Common Investor Mistakes
  • Why Budgets Are Important (substitute feature article)

April 2017:

  • The Practical Implications of Investment Theory
  • Avoid These 5 401(k) Plan Mistakes
  • Invest at Your Own Risk
  • Does Buy and Hold Still Make Sense?
  • Asset Correlation: What Is It and How Do You Use It? (substitute feature article)

March 2017:

  • Start Longevity Planning Now
  • The DOL Fiduciary Rule: What You Need to Know
  • Retirement Catch-Up Strategies
  • Withdrawal Strategies Are as Important as Planning Strategies (substitute feature article)

February 2017:

  • Is It Time to Rethink College?
  • How to Set Savings Goals
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully
  • The Cost of Not Planning Ahead
  • Shopping for Value in a College Education (substitute feature article)

January 2017:

  • Your Financial Roadmap
  • Risk Tolerance and Your Retirement Portfolio
  • Manage Your Home Investment
  • Overcoming 5 Retirement Fears
  • Dealing with a Spouse’s Credit Issues (substitute feature article)