Your Title Update Upcoming Topics

Below is a list of upcoming and past topics for Your Title Update. If you would like to see the full issue, simply email us at Please take a moment to review all of the personalization options available with Your Title Update. Each issue of Your Title Update has been reviewed by Morgan Stanley and  FINRA.

December 2024:

  • How Much Should You Save in Your 401(k) Plan?
  • Borrow Wisely (substitute feature article)
  • Bond Investing Tips
  • Objectives Drive Strategies
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt? (substitute feature article)

November 2024:

  • Need to Catch Up on Retirement Savings?
  • Dreams vs. Goals (substitute feature article)
  • Bonds: Not Just for Retirement
  • Vesting and What It Means (substitute feature article)

October 2024:

  • Estate Planning for Blended Families
  • Ways to Reduce Life Insurance Premiums (substitute feature article)
  • Your Retirement Portfolio and Bonds
  • Avoid These 10 Insurance Mistakes
  • Life Insurance for Stay-at-Home Parents (substitute feature article)

September 2024:

  • Overcoming the Fear of Investing
  • Your Bond Allocation (substitute feature article)
  • Keep Saving after Retirement
  • 4 Reasons to Invest in Bonds
  • Bonds and Interest Rate Changes (substitute feature article)

August 2024:

  • Estate Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • Handling the Financial Aspects of Death (substitute feature article)
  • Financial Rules of Thumb
  • Should You Retire Early?
  • Should You Serve as a Guardian? (substitute feature article)

July 2024:

  • New to Investing? Mistakes to Avoid
  • Learn Income Tax Basics (substitute feature article)
  • Signals to Buy and Sell
  • Is It Time to Rethink College?
  • How Employer 401(k). Matching Works (substitute feature article)

June 2024:

  • Reevaluating Your Portfolio
  • Planning Year Round (substitute feature article)
  • Risk Tolerance and Retirement
  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Is Out-of-State Tuition Worth It? (substitute feature article)

May 2024:

  • Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving (substitute feature article)
  • Avoid 401(k) and IRA Mistakes
  • Insurance and Financial Planning
  • Financial Planning for College Students (substitute feature article)

April 2024:

  • Investing Before and During Retirement
  • Avoiding Credit Card Dependence (substitute feature article)
  • Financial Advice for Children
  • 4 Steps to Financial Confidence
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully (substitute feature article)

March 2024:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Factors Influencing Your Asset Allocation (substitute feature article)
  • Calculating Your Financial Ratios
  • Market Timing vs. Buy and Hold (substitute feature article)

February 2024:

  • Your 401(k) Plan When Changing Jobs
  • Encourage Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • Give Yourself a Money Makeover
  • How to Talk Finances with Your Parents
  • What to Do If Your Budget Isn’t Working (substitute feature article)

January 2024:

  • Paying Off Debt Isn’t Saving
  • Dealing with a Spouse’s Credit Issues (substitute feature article)
  • Avoid Cosigning a Loan
  • Managing Investment Risk
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

December 2023:

  • Saving and Life Planning
  • Choosing Beneficiaries for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)
  • A Strategy for College Costs
  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • Assess Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

November 2023:

  • Estate Planning for Complicated Family Situations
  • Changing Life Insurance Needs (substitute feature article)
  • Benefits of Low-Correlated Assets
  • Myths about Bonds
  • Lower Homeowners Insurance Premiums (substitute feature article)

October 2023:

  • Managing Bond Risks
  • Consider Maturity Dates (substitute feature article)
  • 4 Reasons for Goal-Focused Investing
  • 7 Ways to Pay Less for College
  • Which Goal Is More Important? (substitute feature article)

September 2023:

  • Enjoy Life and Save for Retirement
  • The Need for an IRA (substitute feature article)
  • A Portfolio Tune Up
  • Estate Planning Considerations for Children
  • Pay Yourself First (substitute feature article)

August 2023:

  • Dow Theory: Curbing Emotional Investing
  • Calculating Your Investment’s Basis (substitute feature article)
  • Taxes and Your Investments
  • Planning Year Round (substitute feature article)

July 2023:

  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Will Your Child Finish College in 4 Years? (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Estate Planning Tips for Dependents
  • How to Set Savings Goals
  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

June 2023:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Distributing Personal Possessions (substitute feature article)
  • Giving Back
  • Myths about College Planning
  • 5 Steps to Protect Spouse (substitute feature article)

May 2023:

  • Coming to Terms with Stocks
  • Why Budgets Are Important (substitute feature article)
  • 6 Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • Financial Planning for Every Stage of Life
  • Watching Your Stocks (substitute feature article)

April 2023:

  • The Practical Implications of Investment Theory
  • Emotional Issues That Prevent Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • Tips for the Sandwich Generation
  • 7 Psychological Traps
  • Financial Management for College Students (substitute feature article)

March 2023:

  • Get These Decisions Right
  • When Adult Children Return Home (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Facts about Estate Planning
  • Diversifying All Your Assets (substitute feature article)

February 2023:

  • 10 Ways to Boost Savings
  • Developing the Plan Is Not Enough (substitute feature article)
  • Rules for Retirement Investing
  • Don’t Underestimate Inflation in Retirement (substitute feature article)

January 2023:

  • Bonds at Every Stage of Life
  • Allocating Your Bond Investments (substitute feature article)
  • Finding a Balance between Risk and Return
  • Borrow Wisely (substitute feature article)

December 2022:

  • Reducing Debt — Where to Start
  • Credit Issues as You Age (substitute feature article)
  • Get Your 401(k) Plan on Track
  • 6 Questions to Ask before Investing
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

November 2022:

  • What Should Your Financial Plan Include?
  • Can You Really Save 50% of Your Income? (substitute feature article)
  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan
  • Fun Ways to Save for the Entire Family (substitute feature article)

October 2022:

  • 6 Myths about Stock Investing
  • Changing Life Insurance Needs (substitute feature article)
  • 4 Reasons Your Child Should Work Part Time
  • How Much Will College Really Cost
  • Insurance Basics (substitute feature article)

September 2022:

  • Financial Planning for Every Stage of Life
  • Dealing with Losses in Stock (substitute feature article)
  • Why Teach Children about Investing?
  • 10 Common Investor Mistakes
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving (substitute feature article)

August 2022:

  • Reassess Your Retirement Plans
  • Asset Correlations (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving
  • 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid
  • Your 401(k) Contribution Amount (substitute feature article)

July 2022:

  • Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order
  • Sharing an Inheritance (substitute feature article)
  • The Basics of Asset Allocation
  • Measuring a Stock’s Risk
  • Tax Planning Tips to Make Life Easier (substitute feature article)

June 2022:

  • To Buy or Not to Buy
  • How You Can Use P/E Ratios (substitute feature article)
  • Do You Really Need 70%?
  • Should You Consider Incentive Trusts?
  • How Much Should Be Invested in Stocks? (substitute feature article)

May 2022:

  • Review Your Portfolio’s Performance
  • Encourage Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • Your Parents’ Estate Plans
  • Watch Out for These Estimating Mistakes
  • Don’t Forget Digital Assets (substitute feature article)

April 2022:

  • How to Catch Up on Retirement Savings
  • Avoid This Mistake (substitute feature article)
  • An Investment Plan for College
  • Staggered Retirements (substitute feature article)

March 2022:

  • 5 Steps to Create an Investment Plan
  • A Fundamental Investment Principle (substitute feature article)
  • Don’t Make These Selling Mistakes
  • Watch Out for Portfolio Mistakes
  • Good Investing Habits (substitute feature article)

February 2022:

  • How to Save More: Step by Step
  • Quick Math (substitute feature article)
  • Protect Your Family’s Security
  • The Psychology of Saving
  • Straighten Out Your Financial Accounts (substitute feature article)

January 2022:

  • Is It Time to Rethink College?
  • Is Out-of-State Tuition Worth It? (substitute feature article)
  • Building an Investment Plan
  • Start Budgeting
  • Budgeting for College Students (substitute feature article)

December 2021:

  • Evaluating Stock Investments
  • Review All Policies Regularly (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Things to Know about Disability Insurance
  • Organizing Your Estate
  • Bond Investing Tips (substitute feature article)

November 2021:

  • Retirement Withdrawal Rates
  • Hals Still Equals the Whole (substitute feature article)
  • Stock Market Ups and Downs
  • Stock Investing Mistakes to Avoid
  • Consider a Bond Tent (substitute feature article)

October 2021:

  • Sufficient Funds to Last Your Entire Retirement
  • Your Bond Allocation (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving
  • Overcoming Your Fear of Investing
  • Time: Friend or Foe? (substitute feature article)

September 2021:

  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Bonds and Interest Rate Changes (substitute feature article)
  • Bonds: Not Just for Retirement
  • How Employer 401(k) Matching Works (substitute feature article)

August 2021:

  • Tax Planning and Retirement
  • Calculating Your Investment’s Basis (substitute feature article)
  • Avoid These 10 Insurance Mistakes
  • How to Be Financially Responsible (substitute feature article)

July 2021:

  • Investing Before and During Retirement
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt? (substitute feature article)
  • Why Have an Asset Allocation Strategy?
  • 8 Questions Your Financial Plan Should Answer
  • Why Credit Can Be Good (substitute feature article)

June 2021:

  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Everyone’s Plan Is Different (substitute feature article)
  • What Kind of Retirement Do You Want?
  • Pension Plans vs. 401(k) Plans
  • Distributing Personal Possessions (substitute feature article)

May 2021:

  • Retirement Planning Decade by Decade
  • Essential Tips for Saving for Retirement (substitute feature article)
  • 6 Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • Reevaluate Your Portfolio
  • Managing Your Nest Egg after Retirement (substitute feature article)

April 2021:

  • Your Financial Road Map
  • Evaluating P/E Ratios (substitute feature article)
  • Tips to Teach Children to Save
  • Leaving a Legacy
  • Handling the Financial Aspects of a Death (substitute feature article)

March 2021:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Managing Correlations (substitute feature article)
  • How to Set Savings Goals
  • Do You Have a Rainy Day Fund? (substitute feature article)

February 2021:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Know When to Exit (substitute feature article)
  • Assess Your 401(k) Plan
  • Money Personalities and Saving
  • Overdiversification (substitute feature article)

January 2021:

  • Paying Off Debt Isn’t Saving
  • Keep Saving after Retirement (substitute feature article)
  • How to Avoid Credit Card Dependence
  • Financial Planning for Married Couples
  • The Need for an IRA (substitute feature article)

December 2020:

  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving (substitute feature article)
  • Risk Tolerance and Your Retirement Portfolio
  • Organize Your Estate
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

November 2020:

  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Cut Financial Clutter (substitute feature article)
  • Ways to Increase Savings
  • How Do You Know If You’re Saving Enough?
  • 4 Steps to Boost Financial Confidence (substitute feature article)

October 2020:

  • Insurance and Financial Planning
  • Watching Your Stocks (substitute feature article)
  • Estate Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • Dealing with Stock Price Declines (substitute feature article)

September 2020:

  • Objectives Help Focus Investing
  • A Dividend Investing Strategy (substitute feature article)
  • New to Investing? Mistakes to Avoid
  • How a Pay-Yourself-First Strategy Works (substitute feature article)

August 2020:

  • Estate Planning Considerations for Your Children
  • Encourage Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • Overcoming 5 Retirement Fears
  • Beneficiary Designations Override Your Will (substitute feature article)

July 2020:

  • Active vs. Passive Bond Investing
  • Consider Bond Tents (substitute feature article)
  • When to Use Tax-Advantaged Accounts
  • The Basics of the SECURE Act
  • Bonds and Maturity Dates (substitute feature article)

June 2020:

  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Planning Year Round (substitute feature article)
  • 4 Reasons for Goal-Focused Investing
  • Taxes and Your Investments
  • When Adult Children Return Home (substitute feature article)

May 2020:

  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation (substitute feature article)
  • 7 Psychological Traps
  • What to Do If Your Budget Isn’t Working (substitute feature article)

April 2020:

  • Avoid These Investor Mistakes
  • Factors Influencing Your Asset Allocation (substitute feature article)
  • Rebalance Your Portfolio
  • How to Raise Financially Responsible Children
  • Market Timing vs. Buy and Hold (substitute feature article)

March 2020:

  • An Introduction to Stock Analysis
  • Staggered Retirements (substitute feature article)
  • Retirement Planning for Stay-at-Home Parents
  • Retirement Withdrawal Strategies (substitute feature article)

February 2020:

  • How Much Will College Really Cost
  • Dealing with Stock Losses (substitute feature article)
  • Making Money Last through Retirement
  • Encourage the Importance of Saving (substitute feature article)

January 2020:

  • Ways to Save for Retirement
  • Teaching Children How to Handle Credit Cards (substitute feature article)
  • Rebalance Your Portfolio
  • Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes
  • Keep Saving after Retirement (substitute feature article)

December 2019:

  • The Psychology of Saving
  • Fun Ways for the Entire Family to Save (substitute feature article)
  • Insurance Basics
  • Preventing Identity Theft
  • Can You Really Save 50% of Your Income? (substitute feature article)

Your Title Update November 2019:

  • 5 Ways to Ensure You’re Ready for Retirement
  • Your 401(k) Contribution Amount (substitute feature article)
  • Get Your 401(k) Plan on Track
  • Get Your Finances in Order
  • Why Tax Planning Matters (substitute feature article)

Your Title Update October 2019:

  • Estate Planning and Your Retirement Accounts
  • How Much Should You Allocate to Stocks? (substitute feature article)
  • Dow Theory: Curbing Emotional Investing
  • Calculating an Investment’s Basis (substitute feature article)

Your Title Update September 2019:

  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Emotional Issues That Prevent Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • How to Get a Handle on Spending
  • What Happens with a Disability?
  • Ways to Reduce Life Insurance Premiums (substitute feature article)

Your Title Update August 2019:

  • Bond Investing Strategies
  • How to Be Financially Responsible (substitute feature article)
  • Having the Talk
  • Bond Investing Tips (substitute feature article)

July 2019:

  • Calculating Your Financial Ratios
  • 4 Steps to Create a Budget (substitute feature article)
  • Is Your 401(k) Plan Enough?
  • Tax Planning and Retirement
  • Determining Your After-Tax Rate of Return (substitute feature article)

June 2019:

  • Why Inflation Can Be Good
  • Sharing an Inheritance (substitute feature article)
  • Making Sense of the Federal Deficit
  • Why Isn’t Inflation Zero Percent? (substitute feature article)

May 2019:

  • Retirement Planning Decade by Decade
  • Managing Correlations (substitute feature article)
  • 7 Ways to Pay Less for College
  • Estate-Planning Checklist
  • Your Parents’ Estate Plans (substitute feature article)

April 2019:

  • Calculating Your Life Insurance Needs
  • Review Legal Documents (substitute feature article)
  • Should You Consider Early Retirement?
  • Get These Decisions Right
  • Loan Carefully (substitute feature article)

March 2019:

  • Nurture Your IRA
  • Overdiversification (substitute feature article)
  • 7 Steps to Make Saving a Habit
  • 5 Steps to Create an Investment Plan
  • Segregating Your Risk (substitute feature article)

February 2019:

  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully (substitute feature article)
  • Avoid this Mistake
  • How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?
  • How 401(k) Matching Works (substitute feature article)

January 2019:

  • Give Yourself a Money Makeover
  • Choosing Beneficiaries for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)
  • Decisions Regarding College Funding
  • Avoid These 10 Insurance Mistakes
  • Changing Life Insurance Needs (substitute feature article)

December 2018:

  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan
  • Before Taking Money from Your IRA (substitute feature article)
  • Stock Selection Tips
  • How Much Is Too Much to Pay for a  House?
  • Dreams and Goals: What’s the Difference? (substitute feature article)

November 2018:

  • To Buy or Not to Buy
  • Growth vs. Value Investing (substitute feature article)
  • Tactical Allocation and Market Timing
  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Bonds and Interest Rate Changes (substitute feature article)

October 2018:

  • Easing into Retirement
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt? (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Estate-Planning Tips for Dependents
  • Understanding and Improving Your Credit Score
  • Credit Issues as You Age (substitute feature article)

September 2018:

  • Myths about Bonds
  • Revising Your Asset Allocation (substitute feature article)
  • Should You Defer Income Taxes?
  • Bonds at Every Stage of Life
  • Why Should You Consider Bonds? (substitute feature article)

August 2018:

  • Downside of Taxes Determining Investment Strategy
  • Where Will You Live after Retirement? (substitute feature article)
  • Factors to Consider before Switching Jobs
  • How to Save More: Step by Step
  • A Tax Planning Mentality (substitute feature article)

July 2018:

  • Squeezed by Competing Needs
  • Everyone’s Plan Is Different (substitute feature article)
  • The Need for IRAs
  • Estate Planning for Complicated Family Situations
  • Quick Math (substitute feature article)

June 2018:

  • Reassess Your Retirement Plan
  • Periodically Review Beneficiaries (substitute feature article)
  • Time — Friend or Foe?
  • Myths about College Planning
  • A Budget for Your College Student (substitute feature article)

May 2018:

  • Your Financial Road Map
  • Don’t Forget about Inflation (substitute feature article)
  • A Portfolio Tune Up
  • Part-Time Retirement
  • Don’t Forget Your Digital Assets (substitute feature article)

April 2018:

  • Securing Your Financial Life
  • Distributing Personal Possessions (substitute feature article)
  • Encourage Your Child to Fund an IRA
  • Leaving a Legacy
  • Cutting Financial Clutter (substitute feature article)

March 2018:

  • Which Is Better? Saving or Paying Down Debt?
  • The Fundamental Investing Principle (substitute feature article)
  • Challenges to Your Retirement
  • 4 Steps to Financial Confidence
  • Straighten Out Your Financial Accounts (substitute feature article)

February 2018:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Your Emotions and Investing (substitute feature article)
  • The ABCs of Risk Premiums
  • Assessing Your Risk Tolerance
  • How to Know If You’re Making Progress (substitute feature article)

January 2018:

  • How and Why to Build a Bond Ladder
  • Ways to Reduce Life Insurance Premiums (substitute feature article)
  • Don’t Touch Your 401(k) Plan
  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Keep Track of Retirement Plans (substitute feature article)

December 2017:

  • How Do You Know If You’re Saving Enough?
  • Borrow Wisely (substitute feature article)
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving More
  • Merging Your Finances When You Marry
  • Set Your Own Debt Limits (substitute feature article)

November 2017:

  • Practical Implications of Investment Theory
  • Watching Your Stock (substitute feature article)
  • How to Make Saving Part of Your Budget
  • Ways to Save for Retirement
  • Pay Yourself First (substitute feature article)

October 2017:

  • Estate-Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • How to Save Without Pain (substitute feature article)
  • 6 Life Insurance Mistakes to Avoid
  • Financial Tips for Major Life Events
  • Insurance Basics (substitute feature article)

September 2017:

  • What’s a Reasonable Rate of Return?
  • Which Goal Is More Important? (substitute feature article)
  • Financial Rules of Thumb
  • Looking for Signals to Buy and Sell?
  • How to Use P/E Ratios (substitute feature article)

August 2017:

  • An Investment Plan for College
  • Encourage Estate Planning (substitute feature article)
  • 401(k) Plans Have Hidden Gems
  • Should You Consider Incentive Trusts?
  • High Exclusion Limits and Trusts (substitute feature article)

July 2017:

  • Diversifying Your Bond Portfolio
  • Consider Maturity Dates (substitute feature article)
  • Raising Financially Responsible Children
  • 4 Reasons to Encourage Part-Time Jobs
  • Consider a Bond Tent (substitute feature article)

June 2017:

  • A 3 Step Asset Allocation Plan
  • A Tax Planning Perspective (substitute feature article)
  • When Should You Retire?
  • Consider These Investment Tax Strategies
  • The Costs of Not Planning Ahead (substitute feature article)

May 2017:

  • How Flexible Is Your Financial Plan?
  • Why Budgets Are Important (substitute feature article)
  • Does Buy and Hold Still Make Sense?
  • Guarding Your Financial Information
  • When Adult Children Return Home (substitute feature article)

April 2017:

  • Start Longevity Planning Now
  • Asset Correlation (substitute feature article)
  • Catch-Up Options
  • 10 Common Investor Mistakes
  • Invest at Your Own Risk (substitute feature article)

March 2017:

  • Tax Cutting Tips for Retirement
  • Withdrawal Strategies Are Important (substitute feature article)
  • The DOL Fiduciary Rule: What You Need to Know
  • Is Early Retirement Still Feasible? (substitute feature article)

February 2017:

  • Is It Time to Rethink College?
  • Encouraging the Importance of College Saving (substitute feature article)
  • Signals to Buy or Sell Stocks
  • Shopping for Value in a College Education (substitute feature article)

January 2017:

  • Your Financial Roadmap
  • Dealing with a Spouse’s Credit Issues (substitute feature article)
  • Drawdown Retirement Funds Carefully
  • Managing Your Home Investment
  • Overcoming Your Fear of Investing (substitute feature article)