On occasion you may find that a newsletter focuses on a topic that is simply not applicable to your clients or to your business. That’s why we give you the ability to use back issues of your newsletter.
We mail out a complimentary copy of our latest newsletter every month, even if you were not scheduled to receive that one. By keeping these extra copies on file, you can select a prior issue to replace the current one. The entire issue will be substituted at no additional charge and if your newsletter contains financial data, that will be updated automatically to the most current information we have at the time of printing. To notify us of your desire to use a different issue, you can call us directly at 1-800-338-4329 or fill out the Current Issue Instruction form.
Prior issues can be used at any time and we can even reprint a newsletter from a previous year.
Please feel free to take advantage of this great feature in your newsletter subscription. In fact, if you are hosting a seminar, give us a call to see if we have any back issues of newsletters that pertain to your topic. We can print the newsletter for you so you can supplement your presentations. Please give at least two weeks’ notice so that we can ensure timely delivery of your newsletters.
Don’t forget that we have many other personalization options that you can use with your newsletter. You can change the dating. Or set the newsletter up as a self mailer so you don’t need to use envelopes to mail them. You can add your signature to the news and announcements section. You can expand the news and announcements section to take up the entire back page. You can even change the name of the newsletter. For a complete list of personalization options available, check out this link.