Retirement Insights Upcoming Topics

Below is a list of upcoming and past topics for Retirement Insights. If you would like to see the full issue, simply email us at Please take a moment to review all of the personalization options available with Retirement Insights. Each issue of Retirement Insights has been reviewed by FINRA, but your compliance department may also require review of the newsletter before sending to your clients and prospects.

Winter 2025:

  • How Much Should You Save in Your 401(k) Plan?
  • Financial Planning for Married Couples
  • Get Your 401(k) Plan on Track
  • Do You Have Too Much Debt?
  • A Portfolio Tune Up (substitute feature article)

Fall 2024:

  • Watch Out for Retirement Derailers
  • Getting Your Finances in Order
  • Keep Saving after Retirement
  • The Need for an IRA
  • How Employer 401(k) Matching Works (substitute feature article)

Summer 2024:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Overcoming the Fear of Investing
  • Distributing Personal Possessions
  • Avoid Withdrawal Mistakes (substitute feature article)

Spring 2024:

  • Your 401(k) Plan When Changing Jobs
  • Saving and Life Planning
  • Factors Influencing Your Asset Allocation
  • What To Do If Your Budget Isn’t Working
  • 4 Steps to Increase Financial Confidence (substitute feature article)

Winter 2024:

  • Enjoy Life and Save for Retirement
  • Should You Borrow from Your 401(k) Plan?
  • When Adult Children Return Home
  • To Sell or Not to Sell?
  • Nurture Your IRA (substitute feature article)

Fall 2023:

  • Rules for Retirement Investing
  • Reevaluate Your Portfolio
  • Paying Yourself First
  • Watching Your Stocks
  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

Summer 2023:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Giving Back
  • Encourage Estate Planning
  • Risk Tolerance and Retirement (substitute feature article)

Spring 2023:

  • Watch Out for These Portfolio Mistakes
  • Dealing with These Estimating Mistakes
  • Tips for the Sandwich Generation
  • 6 Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

Winter 2023:

  • What Should Your Financial Plan Include?
  • Debt and Your Retirement
  • Credit Issues as You Age
  • Financial Rules of Thumb (substitute feature article)

Fall 2022:

  • How to Catch Up on Retirement Savings
  • Should You Stay or Should You Go?
  • Which Goal Is More Important?
  • Staggered Retirements
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving (substitute feature article)

Summer 2022:

  • Reassessing Your Retirement Plans
  • Should You Retire Early?
  • Straighten Out Your Financial Accounts
  • Do You Really Need 70%?
  • The Basics of Asset Allocation (substitute feature article)

Spring 2022:

  • Investing Before and During Retirement
  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Good Investing Habits
  • Quick Math
  • Assessing Your 401(k) Plan (substitute feature article)

Winter 2022:

  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Assessing Your Risk Tolerance
  • 5 Things to Know about Disability Insurance
  • Discussing Your Estate with Your Family
  • Avoid These 401(k) and IRA Mistakes (substitute feature article)

Fall 2021:

  • Watch Out for These Retirement Derailers
  • Leaving a Legacy
  • The Need for an IRA
  • How Employer 401(k) Matching Works (substitute feature article)

Summer 2021:

  • Retirement Planning Decade by Decade
  • Pension Plans vs. 401(k) Plans
  • Everyone’s Plan Is Different
  • Six Signs You Need a Financial Plan
  • What Kind of Retirement Do You Want? (substitute feature article)

Spring 2021:

  • Overcoming 5 Retirement Fears
  • Money Personalities and Saving
  • Staggered Retirements
  • How to Avoid Credit Card Dependence
  • Tips to Help Your Child Save (substitute feature article)

Winter 2021:

  • How Do You Know If You’re Saving Enough?
  • Tips for Your 401(k) Plan
  • Ways to Increase Savings
  • Encourage Estate Planning
  • 4 Reasons for Goal-Focused Investing (substitute feature article)

Fall 2020:

  • 7 Psychological Traps
  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation
  • Your Risk Tolerance and Retirement
  • A Dividend Investing Strategy (substitute feature article)

Summer 2020:

  • Avoid These Investor Mistakes
  • Retirement Planning for Stay-at-Home Parents
  • When Adult Children Return Home
  • Get Your 401(k) Plan on Track
  • Managing Your Nest Egg after Retirement (substitute feature article)

Spring 2020:

  • Sufficient Funds for Your Entire Retirement
  • Converting to a Roth IRA
  • 4 Steps to Create a Budget
  • Retirement Withdrawal Strategies
  • Don’t Forget about Inflation in Retirement (substitute feature article)

Winter 2020:

  • 5 Steps to Create an Investment Plan
  • The Psychology of Saving
  • Fun Ways for the Entire Family to Save
  • Lessons Learned from teh Stock Market
  • Advice on Saving for Your Children (substitute feature article)

Retirement Insights Fall 2019:

  • Take Time to Reassess
  • Retirement Planning Assumptions
  • Emotional Issues That Prevent Estate Planning
  • Why Tax Planning Matters
  • Your 401(k) Plan after Changing Jobs (substitute feature article)

Retirement Insights Summer 2019:

  • How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?
  • Nurturing Your IRA
  • Managing Correlations
  • The Fundamental Investing Principle
  • Which Goal Is More Important? (substitute feature article)

Retirement Insights Spring 2019:

  • Squeezed by Competing Needs
  • How to Talk Finances with Your Parents
  • Credit Issues as You Age
  • Segregating Your Risk
  • Why Teach Children about Investing (substitute feature article)

Retirement Insights Winter 2019:

  • Growing Your 401(k) Plan
  • Revisit Your Asset Allocation
  • Time — Friend or Foe?
  • 5 Reasons to Consider Disability Insurance
  • Is Your 401(k) Plan Enough? (substitute feature article)

Fall 2018:

  • Easing into Retirement
  • Expenses Cutting into Savings?
  • Should You Defer Income Taxes?
  • Assessing Your Risk Tolerance
  • 4 Steps to Build Financial Confidence (substitute feature article)

Summer 2018:

  • Pump Up Your Retirement Savings
  • Encourage Your Child to Fund an IRA
  • Part-Time Retirement
  • Keeping Track of Retirement Funds
  • Should You Stay or Should You Go? (substitute feature article)

Spring 2018:

  • Focus on the Basics
  • Challenges to Your Retirement
  • Don’t Touch Your 401(k) Plan
  • Withdrawal Strategies Are as Important as Planning Strategies
  • Cut the Financial Clutter (substitute feature article)

Winter 2018:

  • Practical Implications of Investment Theory
  • Investing Before and During Retirement
  • Consider a Bond Tent
  • How to Make Saving a Part of Your Budget
  • 5 Reasons to Start Saving More (substitute feature article)

Fall 2017:

  • What’s a Reasonable Rate of Return?
  • Estate-Planning Tips for Baby Boomers
  • How to Save Without Pain
  • 401(k) Plans Have Hidden Gems
  • Financial Rules of Thumb (substitute feature article)

Summer 2017:

  • Consider These Investment Tax Strategies
  • Guard Your Financial Information
  • Invest at Your Own Risk
  • Retirement Catch-Up Strategies
  • Taking the Plunge: When Should You Retire? (substitute feature article)

Spring 2017:

  • Start Longevity Planning Now
  • Questions to Ask about the DOL’s Fiduciary Rule
  • The Impact of Your Risk Tolerance on Your Retirement
  • Is Early Retirement Still Feasible?
  • A Portfolio Tune-Up (substitute feature article)

Winter 2017:

  • Should You Contribute to a 401(k) Plan or IRA? Or Both?
  • How to Set Savings Goals
  • Overcoming 5 Retirement Fears
  • Keep Saving after Retirement
  • Retirement Advice for College Students (substitute feature article)